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The first Seoul Metropolitan Government Hope Advertisement Free Support Organization in 2021 for 8,000-myeon, such as subway, small business start-up, non-profit organization, etc. shall be accepted from March 17th;


Open to Seoul Metropolitan Government, non-profit corporations, small businesses, etc. for advertising on subways and stands...Application application

- Implementation of the 1st Seoul Metropolitan Government Hope Advertisement Support Group Competition in 21 and receipt by 4.19(Mon)

- Preferential selection of non-profit organizations, small business owners, etc., especially enterprises in the early stages of youth start-ups;

- In order to support organizations and enterprises in difficult economic conditions due to Corona 19, around 25 selection plans;

- Utilization of the city's public relations media (subway, street vendor, etc.) for selected organizations and supporting advertisements with a total of 8,000 pages or more;

□ The Seoul Metropolitan Government has been conducting hope advertisements every year since 2012 to support non-profit organizations and small business owners, and this year's first group contest will be held from March 17 (Wednesday) to April 19 (Monday).

○ The organization was selected after the public offering, and advertising production and attachment (transmission) were provided free of charge, and a total of 385 organizations and companies were supported from 12 to 20.

□ In addition to the previous year, companies that applied for the Hope Advertising Contest to support young people's start-ups will be given additional points and given preferential treatment for tie-ups.

○ The initial start-up company for young people (Youth Start-up) is based on a company whose representative age is 19 to 39 years old, and whose opening date is between one and three years as of the date of public announcement.

○ Those eligible for the desired advertisement must be located in Seoul as non-profit corporations, organizations, small businesses (disabled companies, women's companies, cooperatives, social enterprises, shared companies, etc.) and excluded those selected within the last two years.

□ The subjects of the contest are activities of non-profit organizations that contribute to society through donation, sharing, and volunteer activities, activities of small business owners who can give hope and courage to citizens and young people, and activities of companies that carry out social responsibilities such as well.

□ Organizations selected through the public offering will receive support from the Seoul Metropolitan Government for design planning, printing, attachment, and video production. In particular, young start-ups with expertise in design planning and video production can participate to expect higher-quality advertisements.

○ The total print media supported by the city is more than 8,000 pages, including the inner corners of the subway, street vendors, and shoe repair stands, and a total of 108 video media, including citizen bulletin boards, subway media boards, and municipal equipment.

□ Details of the application process, such as the application process, can be found on the Seoul Metropolitan Government website (seoul.go.kr), and the applicants will be selected in May through a review by a deliberation committee composed of experts in related fields.

○ About 25 organizations will be selected to support small business owners and non-profit organizations in difficult economic conditions due to the prolonged Korona 19, and advertisements for selected organizations will be carried out from September 21 to January 22.

□ "Hopeful advertising can be a good opportunity for small business owners and non-profit organizations who are having a hard time promoting it due to the burden of advertising costs," said Han Young-hee, a civic communication planning officer in Seoul.

※ Attachment: 1 copy of the notice and reference photo.

Seoul Metropolitan Government Announcement 2021 – Issue

The first Seoul Metropolitan Government Hope Advertising Support Organization in 2021;

The Seoul Metropolitan Government shall announce the 1st Seoul Metropolitan Government Hope Advertising Support Organization in 2021 as follows in order to promote public interest activities and economic activities of small business owners, etc.

2021. 3. 16.

Seoul Special Market

1. Overview of the contest

○ Contents of the contest: Activities of organizations that can give hope and sympathize with Seoul citizens;

- Non-profit corporations and private organizations that contribute to the promotion of the public interest;

£ Contents of public interest activities that contribute to society through donations, sharing, volunteering, etc.;

£ Minorities, such as persons with disabilities, multicultural families, etc., the promotion of human rights of the socially disadvantaged, details of protection of rights and interests, etc.;

- Business activities such as small business owners, etc. where citizens can sympathize and gain hope;

£ Products or activities of enterprises that perform social responsibilities, such as contributions to the local community;

£ Small business owners, etc. with successful start-up stories that can give hope and courage to citizens and young people;

○ Eligibility for application: Organizations and enterprises falling under Article 5 of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on the Opening of Public Relations Media

- Non-profit corporations and organizations aimed at the interests of the whole society;

- Small businesses and small business owners (disabled businesses, women's enterprises, cooperatives, social enterprises, shared enterprises, etc.)

※ It shall have an address in Seoul Metropolitan Government, excluding organizations and enterprises selected within the last two years as of the commencement date of the contest.

○ Application period: 21.317(Wednesday) to 4.19(Monday)

○ Details of support: Design planning, printing and attaching promotional materials, or producing and displaying video materials

※ Support organization can use the existing design

2. Reception method: e-mail (email) reception

○ Download the application form from the Seoul Metropolitan Government website (http://www.seoul.go.kr) and fill it out and submit it.

- Seoul News → Public announcement → Public announcement → Search for "1st Hope Advertising Support Group Contest 2021"

- Search for Seoul → Contest → "1st Hope Advertisement Support Group Contest 2021" in my hand

※ "Seoul in my hand" can be accessed through the Seoul Metropolitan Government website or various portals.

○ Submission Method: Submit Email (calla121@seoul.go.kr)

- If it is not possible to submit an e-mail, contact us via wire within the submission deadline (☎02-2133-6432)

3. Submission documents

£ Application and application form

£ Submission of evidentiary documents (copy) that can identify the types of organizations and enterprises

Non-profit corporations and private organizations

- Required 1: Business license

(or ID card)

- Required 2: Non-profit corporations and private organizations

documentary evidence

※ Certificate of permission for establishment of a non-profit corporation

Non-profit private organization registration certificate,

Certification for establishing social cooperatives

Merchant association registration card, etc.

Small businesses and small business owners

(social enterprises, cooperatives, shared enterprises, women's enterprises, etc.)

- Required 1: Business license

- Required 2: 'Small Business Confirmation' or 'Small Business Confirmation' (issued by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups)

- Evidence that identifies the type of enterprise

e.g. certificate of report on establishment of cooperative, designation of shared enterprise, social enterprise certificate, female enterprise certificate, disability enterprise certificate, etc.

※ For young start-ups, copy of representative ID or draft resident registration

4. How to fill out the application form

○ Fill out within 3 sheets of A4 paper (12 points in Korean HWP)

£ Activities of organizations that have contributed to the promotion of the public interest, activities of enterprises that perform social responsibilities, etc.;

£ Reasons for applying for the Seoul Metropolitan Government Public Relations Media Citizen Open Contest

£ Hope for advertising methods and contents, etc.

5. Selection of organizations eligible for public relations support

○ Selection method: Selection of a target organization through deliberation on the "Citizen Opening Deliberation Committee for Public Relations Media" under Article 4 (2) of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on the Opening of Public Relations Media;

○ Selection target: 25 or less

※ Subjects to be selected may be adjusted according to the status of receipt and the resolution of the Deliberation Committee.

○ Standards for deliberation

£ Public interest in promotional content

£ Necessity of promotion and information provision

£ Public relations that any citizen can relate to

£ Possibility of economic revitalization, such as job creation

£ Other standards determined by the Committee

○ Subject to exclusion

£ Enterprises and organizations promoting specific religions, political parties, etc.;

£ Companies and organizations aiming for excessive profit-making

£ Companies and organizations that have submitted false or exaggerated applications, etc.

○ Preferential treatment for selection: Early start-up company for young people (Youth Start-up)

£ Among companies eligible for application, companies with a representative age of 19 years or older to 39 years or less as of the end of December 2021 and a business registration certificate with an opening date of at least one to three years;

£ Preferential examination for the selection of a target organization, granting additional points (5% of the perfect score) and giving preferential treatment when a tie occurs.

6. Announcement of organizations eligible for public relations support

○ Time: Scheduled for early May 2021

○ Method: Posting the website of Seoul Metropolitan Government (www.seoul.go.kr) and notifying the individual selected persons.

7. Supporting media

○ Printed materials: corner of the train, street vendor, shoe repair stand, monthly love for Seoul, etc.

○ Video: Seoul Citizen Bulletin Board, Subway Media Board, City Facilities Video Media, etc.

8. Making and attaching advertisements

○ Media allocation: Allocation in consideration of the promotional effects according to the wishes and media characteristics of the organization to be selected.

○ Production of advertisements and deliberation by Seoul Metropolitan Government: '21 May to 21 August

○ Attaching or displaying advertisements: '21 September to '22 January (about 5 months)

- However, video presentation is one month per group.

9. Precautions for application

○ All applications shall not be for false, exaggerated, selected or excessive profit-making purposes, etc.

※ Field survey may be conducted to check whether the details of the application are true or not.

○ If no suitable target is found as a result of the examination, the size of the selected organization may be adjusted.

○ The applicant shall be responsible for all matters caused by disputes, such as intellectual property rights, defamation, and portrait rights.

○ If a civil petition is filed by another organization, enterprise, etc., the advertisement may be suspended or the contents of the advertisement may be replaced according to the result of the civil petition review.

○ Manufactured design and video contents may be adjusted according to the results of the Seoul Metropolitan Government's design (video) deliberation, etc.

○ Details, such as the promotion schedule and type of promotional media, may be partially changed due to the Seoul Metropolitan Government's conditions.

○ In the case of a non-profit corporation or private organization, a corporation or organization that has obtained permission to establish it from the competent authority is the main body of the application.

- Example: In the case of ○○ Center operated by ○○ Corporation (non-profit corporation), the eligibility for application for the desired advertisement is in ○○ Corporation (submission of application documents and evidential documents by the corporation name is required)
