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The National Police Agency requested 45 reports of purchase damage and started developing a planned real estate transaction tracking system six times higher than the official land price due to the fact that land prices in Korea are rising.


Buy six times more expensive than the official land price because of the planned real estate price increase.

○ Gyeonggi-do Provincial Police Agency implements follow-up measures to the business agreement on eradicating illegal activities of planned real estate.

- 45 damage reports requested by the National Police Agency and started developing a planned real estate transaction tracking system

○ Expectation to prevent property damage caused by illegal activities of planned real estate

#1. A in his 80s living in Suwon received land investment recommendations from B, an employee of the planned real estate corporation. B said the land price of a forest in Namyang-eup, Hwaseong-si, will increase several times due to urban development in two to three years, and A purchased three parcels (827㎡) for 180 million won. Later, A found that the purchase price was six times higher than the official land price, and he heard from Hwaseong City Hall that it was difficult to lift the restriction on the development of the land.

#2. A 50-year-old citizen in Pyeongtaek was forced to perform his business by a planned real estate corporation where he worked. Based on favorable factors such as railway and industrial complexes received from companies, they acquired forest fields in Suji-gu, Yongin-si and Namjong-myeon, Gwangju-si, and recommended acquaintances that it was a "good land." However, the development news was false information, and the company that worked for the company went out of business. In the end, C lost both his wealth and trust from his acquaintances.

Gyeonggi Provincial Government has asked the police to investigate 45 cases of "planned real estate illegal activities."

The illegal act of planned real estate is to buy land or forests and fields that are virtually difficult to develop at low prices and advertise them as if they could benefit a lot, recruit investors and sell them at high prices.

Since December last year, Gyeonggi Province has requested 45 cases of investigation to the Gyeonggi Nam and Northern Provincial Police Agency after screening out of 52 reports of damage received through the "Planned Real Estate Illegal Act Reporting Center."

This is a follow-up to the "planned real estate illegal activities eradication business agreement" with the Gyeonggi Southern and Northern Provincial Police Agency on December 9 last year. Since the agreement, the province has maintained close cooperation with the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency and has operated a "planned real estate illegal activities (damage) reporting center." You can apply for a report up to the city and county.

Hong Ji-sun, head of the Gyeonggi Urban Housing Office, said, "The planned real estate illegal activities are taking unfair profits by exploiting the people's desire for real estate." "This year, we plan to invest 100 million won in budget to develop a planned real estate transaction tracking system." We will not let planned real estate be active at least in Gyeonggi Province.

Meanwhile, the provincial government investigated areas concerned about speculation in planned real estate last year and designated 244.42를 as land transaction permit zones four times. It also continued to propose amendments to laws to fundamentally resolve illegal ( expedient) acts of planned real estate, and lawmaker Hong Ki-won proposed some revisions to the "Act on Reporting Real Estate Transactions, etc."
