Corona 19 quarantine policy for foreign residents in Ansan City 'K-prevention lead'
Recognition of excellence, such as an administrative order for diagnosis and inspection before hiring foreign workers
Mayor Yoon said, "We will do our best to stabilize the Korona 19 situation."
Analysts say that Ansan City (mayor Yoon Hwa-seop) is leading K-prevention, with quarantine measures for foreign residents being implemented being considered as the best case in the country.
The city's ▲ self-quarantine inspection ▲ foreign residents' living security support ▲ quarantine strengthening ▲ mandatory isolation of immigrants' facilities ▲ administrative order to confirm Korona 19 before hiring new foreigners.
Mayor Yoon Hwa-seop reported quarantine measures related to foreign residents that the city is pushing for as an excellent case of responding to foreign collective infections at the "Corona 19 Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters" presided over by Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun on the morning of the 16th.
The meeting was held in a non-face-to-face manner with officials from government ministries and heads of local governments in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province to discuss the cause of the mass infection in the Seoul metropolitan area.
Mayor Yoon explained the city's best case of responding to foreign collective infections ▲ mandatory quarantine of immigrants from countries ▲ basic income payment for foreign residents ▲ operation of a team dedicated to self-isolation ▲ operation of a special transport system for foreign immigrants.
In particular, the city strengthened the quarantine management of foreign residents by implementing an administrative order for foreign employers and foreign workers to confirm the Korona 19 diagnosis before hiring new foreigners from the 11th to the 25th.
The city government has decided to thoroughly prevent possible spread, including illegal aliens.
The city, which thoroughly managed quarantine management of foreign residents, reported that 13,298 foreign residents had been inspected for six days from the 9th to the 14th, the highest number of inspections in 31 cities and counties in Gyeonggi-do.
Ansan City is the largest industrial city in the metropolitan area with 20,000 foreign workers in about 55,000 businesses, and the city is actively responding by operating a "visiting temporary screening inspection center" in areas where foreigners are concentrated.
In addition, the city is focusing its administrative efforts on preventing the spread of foreign workers by promoting quarantine in every corner of the industrial complex, including businesses with foreign workers, dormitories, and mass catering centers.
Mayor Yoon Hwa-seop said, "We will do our best to stabilize the Korona19 situation as soon as possible with the coronavirus vaccination, which began last month. We will also thoroughly carry out various quarantine policies by Ansan City."
Ansan City Found 46 Confirmed by Foreign Pre-Professional Inspection...Prevent early spread of at least 7 businesses
Diagnostic test of 39,122 people from 8th to 25th of last month.12 confirmed workers in business establishment
Up to 4,000 people a day...Most records in Gyeonggi-do Province
Mayor Yoon said, "Increased citizen confidence in municipal quarantine administration…Preemptive Blocking Great Achievement"
Ansan City (mayor Yoon Hwa-seop) found confirmed coronavirus infections-19 (Corona 19) at at least seven workplaces early through an administrative order for diagnostic tests for foreign workers.
The city announced on the 2nd that it conducted a Korona19 test on 39,122 people under the administrative order of diagnostic testing for foreign workers from the 8th to the 25th of last month, and 46 people were confirmed.
The overall test positive rate is 0.12%, which is quite high compared to the normal positive rate of 0.01 to 0.02% for large-scale Japanese tests in a similar way.
The city government, which began tracking 46 confirmed people, found that 12 of them were working in seven businesses.
One workplace had 160 employees, and another had more than 70 employees. Three businesses had about 20 employees and two small businesses with less than five employees.
Ansan City, where more than 10,000 businesses are operating around Banwol and Sihwa National Industrial Complex (Ansan Smart Hub), is feared to cause serious damage to the local economy if the operation is suspended due to the Korona 19 confirmed incident.
In particular, all 12 confirmed workers at the workplace are in their 20s and 30s, so it is meaningful that they blocked it in advance because it is likely to lead to a collective infection if not detected early. Among the 46 confirmed cases, 45 were in their 20s and 50s.
This inspection is in accordance with Mayor Yoon Hwa-seop's administrative order, which requires Gyeonggi Province to conduct diagnostic tests on one or more foreign workers and employers from the 8th to the 22nd of last month, and employers to check and hire even one foreign worker from the 11th to 25th of the same month.
In particular, during the inspection period, the city conducted an average of 2,173 inspections a day, with up to 4,69 inspections per day and the largest number of inspections in Gyeonggi Province.
The city conducted such a diagnostic test to prevent the spread of Korona 19, which is still continuing, such as suspending the obligation to notify illegal aliens of their stay if they receive a diagnosis test of Korona19.
Mayor Yoon Hwa-seop said, "The inspection has achieved great results in improving public confidence in the city's quarantine administration and preemptively blocking infections." "It was meaningful to announce the importance of quarantine management, especially in the situation of vaccination."
카테고리 없음
South Korea's Corona 19 foreigners infected 46 people a day 4,000 people a day so far, about 40,000 people have been tested at the foreign workers' lodging station.